Friday 22 August 2008

MaryLee's Healthy Food and Easy Cooking - Potato Cakes


A lot of times I will intentionally make extra for a meal just so I can have leftovers.

Especially when I know my next day will be busy and I will be getting home late. I want something that will be simple to put together, and satisfying to eat, and this is easy to do with leftovers.

In a bowl take left over potatoes if not mashed then just crush them up, add any leftover vegetables to is crush them up as well. Add ½ to 1 cup of grated cheese, (low fat) 1 tablespoon flour, 1 small onion finely chopped.

If you want spice add a few drops of Tabasco/Chilli sauce or chop up a chilli pepper or add dried chilli flakes.

In a small bowl mix an egg then add it to the potato mixture and mix well. The egg will help hold the mixture together.

Transfer the mixture to a lightly oiled baking pan or oven proof bowl and cook in a preheated hot over 400 F or 180 C for 30 minutes until golden brown.

Serve with a fresh salad, or slices of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

You can make individual potato cakes, especially if you have children, serve with fresh vegetables cut into stick.

For a potato omelette mix 4 eggs in bowl the same potato mixture (or if you prefer slice the potatoes and vegetables), mix well, it will be sloppy, transfer to lightly oiled baking pan or oven proof bowl and cook as above.

A simple, tasty meal which uses up the leftovers.

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